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- Written by Super User
- Category: All Things Goats
- Hits: 44
This is not a goat thing here but Boris got up to 450lbs and he is now in the freezer:
So we find ourselves with a Sow, Pinky and no boyfriend - so Boris can be replaced - so meet Ivan - an unaltered boar
Here is a group photo of some of our goats now
left to right
Loki, Lady JarJar, Knud, Elvis, Freya and Elska
Elvis has all the attitude
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- Written by Super User
- Category: All Things Goats
- Hits: 82
Butter and Honey came to us last year as gifts from a friend and they have taught us a lot about not only goat keeping but animal husbandry in general. Both these goats are Nigerian Dwarf and Honey has, until recently been a really good milking goat. Her milk is very rich and it makes very good cheese. - more on that later - Butter is the bossy one and Honey pretty much stays out of her way. If you separate them, they complain bitterly but together - they sleep in separate dwellings. Butter came to us pregnant and when she kidded, the head came out first and it died. Lesson 1. When the vet tells you to get a saw to save the goat, you know you are going to have a bad day. Anyway, we were able to extract the rest of the kid out of the goat and were able to get Honey back on her feet. She has always been a difficult milk goat with constant problems with her udders getting metastasized. Soon we will be adding three more goats, one doeling and two bucklings. We really want to have a reliable source of good milk and if we can sell a few, even better.
Here are the dwellings I built
Here they are after a snow
We had to dig them out ... they were ok ....